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Saffron Buying Guide

Understanding Original Saffron and Buying Saffron Sets a World of Maze and Different Questions and Answers Everyone in this guide is about the price of saffron, the characteristics of the main saffron and how to distinguish the original saffron from the counterfeit with you and everything You need to know before you can make the best choice. We hope that by developing and compiling this comprehensive content and utilizing the valuable experiences of several saffron farmers, we can take a small step towards introducing saffron and increasing the awareness of our discerning audience and Saffron Buying.

Saffron and its various parts

Saffron Buying Guide

The saffron plant, known as Crodus Stativus, has a spherical onion with a brown skin. This purple plant found in southwestern Asia, southern Spain, and southern Europe is so valuable that it’s called the Red Gold! In general, what we use in the name of saffron to enhance the color and taste of our feed is actually the central red safflower of the saffron plant. The sargol of saffron plant contains minerals, mucilages and fats. The color and smell of the saffron memorable and nostalgic with which all of us Iranians relive our memories are favored elsewhere in the world because it gives food unique natural color properties. The saffron flavor, which has fascinated us all, is also a testament to the popularity of this joyous plant. From the weird chemical names we go through, we have to talk a little bit about why this plant is expensive. From 100 to 200 thousand saffron flowers, about 5 kg of saffron is obtained! This is half the full glass because after drying these 5kg, finally 1kg of saffron will come to your beloved tablecloths. The harsh harvest, the ultimate yield, the extraordinary color and smell and the amazing taste of this plant have all combined to make expensive saffron and alchemical. As you can see, saffron is a beautiful plant with purple and stamen petals about ten to thirty centimeters long known as “golden prawn” saffron in Arabic. The flowers are usually six petals with three strands of saffron in the middle of these petals.

Saffron planting and growing process

Saffron Buying Guide

Saffron is a tropical plant that grows in temperate climates. If you live in a part of Iran with warm, dry and sunny summers as well as relatively mild winters and winters, we suggest researching a little more about saffron planting as it can ruin your life! Because of its climate, Natanz is capable of delivering large quantities of high quality saffron to all over the world annually.

The saffron onions are not active in the summer and the so-called resting season of this plant, with the arrival of the warm season the leaves of yellow saffron dry up and the onions fall asleep. The period of awakening and activity of this plant is from about November to May which brings the yield of this plant to the farmer. Soil suitable for cultivation This crop requires sandy-clay soils that have little lime. The pH of this soil should be between 7-8 and the soil should also be cleared of any weeds so that the saffron grows in the sweet soil of this fertile field. The red gold planting process should take place between August and October, but the farmer should not be hoping to see the fruit immediately, as it generally yields after 4 to 7 years and in some places 10 years. So if you are in the crowd of impatient people, think of saffron planting!

Exporting Saffron

The best saffron in Iran and in the world

Over the past 3 years, Afghanistan’s saffron has been named the world’s best saffron, but in Iran it accounts for 95 percent of the world’s saffron exports due to the amazing flavor of the Natanz saffron. The best saffron in Iran is naturally cultivated due to the climate especially in Khorasan Razavi and South Khorasan and Natanz. Leading cities in cultivation and delivery of this product include Cain (Cainat), Birjand, Torbat Heydariyeh, Torbat Jam, Taybad, Bakhzar, Gonabad, Neyshabur, Bejistan and Natanz which are known all over the world for their unique saffron quality. After the cities we mentioned, the cities of Kerman, Lorestan, Fars, etc. noted that they make up a large volume of the saffron consumed indoors.

Finally, it should be noted that the total production of saffron in the world is 230 tons, of which 170 tons is produced in our beloved Khorasan Iran. In a country where the history of saffron production in one of its cities is called Qain in southern Khorasan reaches 700 years.

Saffron online shopping

Saffron Buying Guide

You may be tired after a long shopping spree, but many of us because of a lack of trust in online stores are not able to buy items like saffron online, but what is the solution? Finally, it is recommended that if you want to make a comfortable and ultimately comfortable purchase, you can Saffron Buying you need by visiting approved websites. But we are about to buy saffron online! Since Saffron Recognition is Not Everyone’s Work Many people think that saffron needs to be closely monitored to determine its accuracy and quality, but no doubt all saffron experts and scholars do not doubt the quality of Natanz Saffron, on the other hand if one Buy a Competitive and Reliable Website Named Saffron Naturally Sure You Will Get The Same Product Because The Product Mismatch Is Out Of Online Store Laws And You Have 15 Days To Return, but In Physical Stores It’s impossible. As a result, we suggest you do not waste your precious time on long walks, bargaining with the seller and doubting the quality of the goods. Turn on your smartphone, search for the store you want and buy quality saffron to get your home door at the lowest price. We should also note that due to the fierce competition in the field of online stores, you will see a significant drop in prices compared to traditional offerings. You can Saffron Buying from Natanz saffron company.

Wholesale Saffron Buy

Saffron Buying in high quantities, called so-called bulk, has the benefits of reducing prices. If you are one of the people who want to buy the saffron you need for a long time or you are the seller of saffron in your city, surely the Natanz Saffron Shop will give you a special discount for your dear customer who wants to make a large volume of saffron. . In this regard, users can contact the website support and advice about the major purchase of your target price and the discount you will receive to eventually produce the desired saffron at a lower price with the desired weight.

Nutritional value of saffron

Original and classy saffron

The name of the product is red gold, unfortunately, it is a reason for the expansion of the field of profits and profiteers. The sale of counterfeit saffron has been greatly boosted by the high price of this product, so we decided to introduce you to more and more familiar ways to know the original and quality saffron for Saffron Buying.

The first solution: The fastest way to separate the main saffron from the fake is to study the flavor of the plant. Put some of the saffron on your tongue, if you have a sweet taste, this is a fake unfortunately! Saffron has a sweet aroma rather than a sweet taste, many consumers find that the sweeter the saffron, the better the quality, unaware that consumers are soaking it in sugar to increase weight and sweet taste, making the saffron sweeter. And it also gets heavier. The first taste of saffron is a bit bitter or sometimes in some cases has no special taste.

Second Solution: One of the most common solutions used by experts in the field is accurate knowledge of saffron perfume. The main fragrance of saffron is like honey and alfalfa. You need to know honey and alfalfa to use this solution, but with accurate knowledge it is easy to identify the original saffron. The newer your purchased saffron, the more fragrant the honey will be.

Third solution: Some people make a big profit by adding edible color to the upper part of the saffron stigma, which is yellow and cheaper than the saffron sting or other plant stigma! To prevent these people from falling into the trap, pour some of the saffron into the cold water. If the color of the saffron gives the water a yellow tinge to the saffron stigma, unfortunately we should say that the product is counterfeit. Saffron staining with cold water is not enough to turn the saffron into yellow. Also note how much the water color changes. The spicy red is not a good sign at all and represents the chemicals used in saffron polish, in fact the water you use should turn orange-yellow.

Solution Four: Sometimes it is seen that the saffron you buy is glossy in color, this glossy color is not a good sign. First identify one of the saffron stigmas carefully to identify such chewing on the main saffron. If you do not see the curvature of the saffron stigma flag please refrain from buying it, the corn stigma does not taste good! In fact, smokers use corn starch and use edible color to make them look like saffron, so don’t be fooled by the appearance of such products.

Medicinal properties of saffron

Solution Fifth: Another interesting way to know the origin of saffron refers to the color of saffron. In the first step you should add a little baking soda to the water then mix this solution well and then add the saffron, if the color of the solution turns yellow your saffron will be the main, otherwise If it turns red, unfortunately the saffron you bought is a fake.

Solution Six: In solution six you just put a little saffron on the stove flame, if the color of the saffron is changed to purple or orange, the saffron in your hand is original and can safely be used but not otherwise. Unfortunately, the color of saffron turns yellow, which means it is fake.

Difference of Sargol saffron with Negin and Poshal in Saffron Buying

Saffron Buying Guide

Saffron is generally divided into 3 categories: Dasteh, Poshal and Sargol. The reason for the classification of saffron into these 3 modes of coloring is the use of this plant at the time of use. Dasteh Saffron: Dasteh saffron is actually the picking of a bunch of saffron stigmas without separating the upper yellow parts. This type of saffron is the main category of saffron because it contains all parts of the stigma of the saffron but in the field of coloring cannot surpass the saffron. The coloring power of this type of saffron is between 120 and 150 units. This type of saffron is recognized in the International Class 4 saffron categories. Sargol saffron: Sargol saffron, which is actually the red part of saffron, is the most prominent form of saffron. Saffron is also extracted from titles such as gheorghe, roach, negin and premium. This saffron’s coloring power represents between 210 and 260 units.
Finally, we should conclude that the best and most brilliant type of saffron is sorghill, which is best known as Negin and has a color of 230 to 270, but we should not neglect the coloring, aroma and taste of other types of saffron.

Properties of saffron and its role in health

Red Gold contains more than 150 different compounds, including carotenoids, safranals, crocin, antioxidants and other biochemicals that can have a great impact on our daily lives in Iran. Here are some of the remarkable properties of saffron that let you know about the importance of this plant:

First, saffron is able to increase the production of white blood cells due to its high content of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, which protects the body of its consumers from possible injuries and diseases.

The second: Saffron brings you a high concentration of iron, which means excessive production of red blood cells, which in turn increases the blood circulation of your organs by delivering oxygen to other organs.

Third: Predicting high blood pressure is another amazing property of this plant that, despite having large amounts of potassium in this plant.

Fourth: Another disease that all of us Iranians fear about our diet is diabetes. The saffron plant, which has rich manganese sources, can be a great help to those who want to control the disease and optimize their blood sugar levels.

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